Accompanying Strategies
Rebuilding the Community from Within
The Go Green team believes that residents are at the heart of equitable development and that a strategy focused on improving housing options for current residents must accompany commercial development. Committed to reducing vacancy: 350 surrounding vacant units will be renovated over the next 5 years. These renovations will hire the reentering citizens and at-risk youth from The Regenerator's work programs, bringing employment and income opportunities to the area. In partnership with McLaurin Development Partners, and we’ve also partnered around a land banking agreement with Cook County Land Bank, giving us first rights to purchase properties here.
Area of focus for new housing developments: 60th to 64th street between Morgan and Throop Streets
Radically Reimagining Equitable Transit-Oriented Development
In 5 years we aim to create the momentum, density, and investment that will lead to the re-opening of a new Racine Green Line Station. Residents will finally have improved service, reduced walking times and access to nearby new amenities. Racine resuming CTA train service will bring the entire 63rd street commercial corridor within a quarter mile of a CTA station, spurring equitable transit-oriented development and serving the growth in population driven by Go Green’s developments. There’s also plans to convert the abandoned historical landmark that is the old station into a community asset— more to come!
Inspiration: The Green Line Performing Arts Center (built at shuttered Garfield Blvd station) Photo credit: Steve Hall, Hall + Merrick Photography